Fri–Tue 9:30 – 18:00. Wed & Thu 9:30 – 20:00. Sun Closed.
Question: After being outdoors a lot over the summer and excessive sun exposure my skin tone looks uneven with lots of brown patches appearing what could you recommend??
The Problem:
Pigmentation - now there is a problem I see a lot.... Uneven skin tone and texture presents itself in a lot of the clients that I see. The degree of pigment may vary but the cause is usually the same - over exposure to UV light and environmental challenges or hormones.
Even the slightest amount of pigmentation can make a huge difference to how old your skin looks and how dull it appears.
Treating pigmentation especially if it is hormonal isn’t always easy and requires a bit of time and dedication but ultimately this pays off and can transform the over all appearance of most skins.
My top tips for this would be:
Treating and dispersing the pigment that is present - we usually do this with a series a peels ranging from a light mandelic and kojic acid blend up to a more aggressive peel like cosmelan. This would be decided during a detailed consultation. We also often use the WOW fusion skin needling and mesotherapy devise with a lightening cocktail of active ingredients to help reduce the darker areas.
Alongside your treatment you would need to use a pigment stabiliser at home. The best duo I have found are the Alumier MD Eventone and Intellibright complex.
Both lightweight serums that contain naturally powerful skin brightening agents that work by different mechanisms to reduce the appearance of existing hyperpigmentation as well as resisting new pigment forming.
And finally the most important is to wear a good quality full spectrum SPF - even on a cloudy winter day as the most pigment inducing rays are the UVA rays which are present all year round.
If you want to find out more about how to deal with pigment problems drop us a line to book a face to face or Zoom consultation.